We develop and deliver building materials for a sustainable society. Our sustainability framework describes how we work towards being a sustainable producer, supplier, employer and neighbor in the local community.

1. People
We want to provide a safe workplace for all employees and visitors and we take a thorough, safety-first approach to all activities. Through proactive actions and initiatives, we prevent health risks, injuries and accidents in the workplace.
All employees at HeidelbergCement Northern Europe have the same rights, opportunities and obligations at work. Everyone has the right to feel included at work and also has an obligation to promote an inclusive, safe work climate that ensures a high level of productivity. Diversity and inclusion bring us increased business value.
2. Product and innovation
Cement, which is the binding substance in concrete, is a significant source of global carbon dioxide emissions. About two thirds of the carbon dioxide emissions from cement production occur during the chemical reaction that takes place when the limestone is heated. The remaining part comes from burning of fuels.
To reduce the climate impact of our products, we work on product and process development across our operations. We also conduct research to help make construction more sustainable in society. To achieve the goal of climate-neutral concrete over its life cycle, concrete manufacturers, raw material suppliers and other players in the value chain need to work together with a strong focus.
CCS - carbon capture and storage
To counteract global warming, finding solutions for the cement industry is a matter of urgency. CCS solutions (carbon capture and storage), where carbon dioxide is captured and transported to a permanent storage site several kilometres down in bedrock, are currently the most mature technologies for controlling these emissions on a large scale.
- Sweden first in the world with carbon-neutral cement plant
- Read more about Slite CCS
- Read more about Brevik CCS, Norway.
3. Production and supply chain
We carry out raw material extraction, production and transport with the greatest consideration for the climate, water resources, nature and the environment. Wherever possible, we create added value for biodiversity in and around our quarry areas. Through efficient planning and circulation, we reduce the consumption of natural resources.
Transport constitutes a large part of the environmental impact of our operations. As far as possible, we focus on volume-optimized sea transport to ship constituent materials and end products and to use vehicles that run on alternative fuels during road transport.
4. Society and Corporate Responsibility
We strive to always be open and transparent and maintain a positive dialogue with neighboring communities. To strengthen and develop local communities, we support local events and activities, preferably with a focus on young people.
In the autumn of 2020, HeidelbergCement in Sweden and Norway began a collaboration with the non-profit organization Engineers without Borders – a partnership that will lead to the development of more sustainable infrastructure in vulnerable areas.
All our operations should be conducted on the basis of sound business principles and in accordance with national legislation, international conventions and high ethical standards. As a member of the UN Global Compact, we are committed to implementing their ten principles of human rights, working conditions, anti-corruption and the environment. We work to contribute to the UN’s sustainable development goals by integrating and taking into account environmental and social aspects within the framework of all business activities.